question:Question: Please answer the following question about this movie plot. If it's un-answerable, please output "No answer". Question: Who killed Crowe? Movie plot title: The Sixth Sense Movie plot: Dr. Malcolm Crowe, a child psychologist in Philadelphia, returns home one night with his wife, Anna, after having been honored for his work. Anna tells Crowe that everything is second to his work, and that she believes he is truly gifted. Just then, a young man appears in their bathroom, and accuses Crowe of failing him. Crowe recognizes him as Vincent Grey, a former patient whom he treated as a child for hallucinations. Vincent shoots his former doctor before killing himself. The next fall, Crowe begins working with another patient, 9-year-old Cole Sear, whose case is similar to Vincent's. Crowe becomes dedicated to the boy, though he is haunted by doubts over his ability to help him after his failure with Vincent. Meanwhile, he and his wife seldom, if ever, speak or do anything together. Crowe feels he must help Cole in order to rectify his failure to help Vincent and reconcile with his wife. Cole's mother, Lynn, who truly loves him, worries about his social stamina, especially after seeing signs of physical abuse. Cole eventually confides his secret to Crowe: he sees ghosts, who walk around like the living unaware they are dead. At first, Crowe thinks Cole is delusional and considers dropping his case. Remembering Vincent, the psychologist listens to an audiotape from a session with Vincent when he was a child. On the tape, when Crowe leaves the room, and then returns, Vincent was crying. Turning up the volume, Crowe hears a weeping man begging for help in Spanish, and now believes that Cole is telling the truth and that Vincent may have had the same ability. He suggests to Cole that he should try to find a purpose for his gift by communicating with the ghosts and perhaps aid them with their unfinished business. At first, Cole is unwilling since the ghosts terrify and sometimes even threaten him, but he finally decides to do it. Cole talks to one of the ghosts, Kyra Collins, a young girl who recently died after a chronic illness. He goes with Crowe to her funeral reception at her home, where Kyra directs... Answer:
answer:Vincent Grey killed Crowe.
question:Question: Generate a question about the following movie plot: On her way back from whitewater rafting with her friends Juno (Natalie Mendoza) and Beth (Alex Reid), Sarah (Shauna Macdonald), along with her husband Paul (Oliver Milburn) and their daughter Jessica (Molly Kayll) get involved in a car accident when Paul is distracted. Paul and Jessica are killed, but Sarah survives. One year later, Sarah and her friends Juno, Beth, Sam (MyAnna Buring), Rebecca (Saskia Mulder), and newcomer Holly (Nora-Jane Noone) are reunited at a cabin in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. While spelunking, Juno apologises to Sarah for not being there for her after the accident, but Sarah is distant. As the group moves through a passage, it collapses behind them, trapping them. After a heated discussion, Juno admits she led the group into an unknown cave system instead of the fully explored cave system like they originally planned, and that rescue is impossible because of this. She then tells Sarah that she led them into the unknown cave in the hopes of restoring their relationship, but Sarah rebuffs her. As the group presses forward, they discover climbing equipment from a previous spelunker, and a cave painting that suggests an exit exists. Holly, thinking she sees sunlight, runs ahead, but falls down a hole and breaks her leg. As the others help Holly, Sarah wanders off and observes a pale, humanoid creature (called "crawlers" in the credits) drinking at a pool before it scampers away. Later, the group comes across a den of animal bones, and are suddenly attacked by a crawler. Holly is injured and dragged away by the crawler to her death, Sarah is knocked out by a fall, and Juno accidentally stabs Beth through the neck with a pickaxe after mistaking her for the crawler. Sarah awakens to find herself in a den of human and animal carcasses, and witnesses Holly's body being consumed by a crawler. Juno discovers markings pointing to a specific path through the caves. After regrouping with Sam and Rebecca, and realizing the crawlers' hunting methods, Juno tells them the markings she... Answer:
answer:What was Juno's original plan for the cave excursion and how did it change, leading to the group getting trapped in an unknown cave system without any possibility of rescue?
question:Write some highlights for the following article: By. Laurie Whitwell. UPDATED:. 17:04 EST, 15 August 2011. The ex-wife of a man accused of killing an Ohio schoolgirl in 1967 told a court she found the 14-year-old naked and suspended by ropes in their basement before she was killed. Robert Bowman, now 75, is charged with the murder of Eileen Adams, who vanished on her way home from Central Catholic High School in Toldeo. She was discovered six weeks later in a frozen field with her body hogtied and a nail driven into the back of her head, similar to several dolls that were collected when officers travelled to Miami to question Bowman. Cold-case killer: Robert Bowman, now 75, is on trial for murdering 14-year-old Eileen Adams in 1967. There were signs she was sexually assaulted and strangled. Her body was tied with telephone and drapery cords. Investigators think Bowman kidnapped Miss Adams, held her captive in his basement for as long as two weeks and then killed her. Detectives first tried to link him to the slaying in the early 1980s, but they did not have enough evidence to bring charges until a cold-case squad reopened the investigation five years ago. New DNA evidence connected Bowman to the killing and police charged him even though they had no idea where he was living or even if he was still alive. Confrontation: Bowman was questioned by Ed Miller from America's Most Wanted before the trial. Schoolgirl: Miss Adams never returned home from Central Catholic High School, Toledo, on that cold December day in 1968. He was profiled on 'America's Most Wanted' and police in California arrested him in 2008 near Palm Springs after he was spotted riding a bicycle. His attorney said he had been living in the desert under a tarp. On Monday Margaret Bowman, one of the key witnesses against her ex-husband, offered a chilling account of discovering the girl after hearing what she thought were rats in the cellar. She told jurors she opened a wooden door and was stunned to find a naked young girl tied-up and 'hanging like Jesus'. Her arms were outstretched and she had tape covering her mouth. Ms Bowman said she knew the girl was alive because: 'I looked in her eyes.' 'I was horrified, I was screaming, I was shaking,' she added. 'I didn't know what to think.' Eerie: Dolls tied up in a similar manner to how Miss Adams was found were discovered in Bowman's house in Miami. Mugshot: This is a police photo of Bowman from 1962 - five years before the killing. She said she ran upstairs and that her husband confronted her, saying that she was getting into his business and that he now had to kill the girl. He also threatened to kill his wife and their newborn daughter if she told anyone, she said. Ms Bowman said she never went in the basement again. 'That was enough,' she said. That same night, she testified, Bowman made her go with him as he dumped the body just north of Toledo, across the state line in Michigan. Miss Adams was discovered in a southern Monroe County field in February 1968. Ms Bowman said that at some point she discovered school books on a table in the kitchen. She opened one of the books and saw the name Eileen Adams written inside. The couple moved several times, including to Las Vegas, Phoenix and Miami. Ms Bowman said she didn't go to police until 1981, after she had saved enough money to leave her husband and return to Toledo. That was the first time anyone connected Bowman to the killing. During the trial's opening statements, defence attorney Peter Rost questioned why Miss Bowman had not told police years ago. 'You'll have to decide how believable she is,' he said. Detectives tracked Bowman down to Miami, Florida in 1982. Once a successful businessman who sold high-end handbags in Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue stores, he was living in an abandoned restaurant near Miami, wearing a tattered shirt, jeans and a scruffy beard. Bowman's attorney said he had become involved in an offbeat religion and given up all of his material things. Three more decades passed until cold-case detectives took DNA samples from Bowman's ex-wife and their daughter and compared them with DNA found on Adams' clothing. Sister: Mary Ann Brimmer, Miss Adams' older sister, testified on the first day of the trial. Gruesome: Miss Adams was found hogtied with telephone cables and with a nail driven in her head. Retired Monroe County Sheriff Detective Peter Navarre took the stand at Lucas County Common Pleas Court on Friday to testify that when officers questioned Bowman in Miami, he said: 'What if I told you I probably killed that girl?' Detective Navarre added that the way Miss Adams was tied was similar to several dolls that were collected from the abandoned building housing Bowman. One was hanging from the ceiling with twine tied around its ankles and another had a nail driven in the back of its head, assistant Lucas County Prosecutor Chris Anderson said. Also during the trial on Friday, the victim's friend testified saying she remembers Eileen riding the bus with her everyday to and from school, including the day she disappeared. On the first day of the trial on Thursday, Mary Ann Brimmer told the court how her little sister failed to come home for the 'first time' on the day of her disappearance. More than four decades after she waited at the front door of her West Toledo home Mrs Brimmer, who still lives in the area, testified: 'I just kept standing at the door, waiting for her. It got to be 6 or 6.30. She'd never done anything like that. Ever.' Bowman has pleaded not guilty and faces life in prison if he's convicted.
answer:A long time ago, in 1967, a young girl named Eileen Adams disappeared after school. A very bad man named Robert Bowman kidnapped her, hurt her, and sadly killed her. It took a really long time, but finally, the police found enough clues to think that Robert Bowman did it. With special tests called DNA tests, they were sure he was the one. They arrested him in 2008, and now there is a trial happening where they are talking about all the details of what happened. Robert Bowman said he didn't do it, but if he is found guilty, he will spend the rest of his life in prison.
question:A friend asked me to answer this question: What is the name of the song that had a music video directed by Anderson?, using the article: Radiohead began work on their ninth studio album in September 2014, joined again by Godrich. In 2015 they resumed work in the La Fabrique studio near Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France. The sessions were marred by the death of Godrich's father, and Yorke's separation from his wife, Rachel Owen, who died of cancer several months after the album's completion. In the same year, Yorke contributed a soundtrack, Subterranea, to The Panic Office, an installation of Radiohead artwork in Sydney, Australia, and Junun, a collaboration between Greenwood, Godrich, Israeli composer Shye Ben Tzur and Indian musicians, was released, accompanied by a documentary directed by Anderson. On Christmas Day 2015, Radiohead released a new song, "Spectre", on the audio streaming site SoundCloud. It had been commissioned for the 2015 James Bond film Spectre, but was rejected by the film producers as "too dark".Radiohead's ninth studio album, A Moon Shaped Pool, was released in May 2016 on Radiohead's website and online music stores, followed by retail versions in June via XL Recordings. It was promoted with music videos for the singles "Burn the Witch" and "Daydreaming", the latter directed by Anderson. The album includes several songs written years earlier, including "True Love Waits", and strings and choral vocals arranged by Jonny Greenwood and performed the London Contemporary Orchestra. It was Radiohead's sixth UK number-one album and reached number three in the US. It was the fifth Radiohead album nominated for the Mercury Prize, making Radiohead the most shortlisted act in the award's history, and was nominated for Best Alternative Music Album and Best Rock Song (for "Burn the Witch") at the 59th Annual Grammy Awards. It appeared on several publications' lists of the best albums of the year., what would be the answer ? A:
answer:The song that had a music video directed by Anderson is "Daydreaming". The video was made to promote Radiohead's ninth studio album, "A Moon Shaped Pool," which was released in May 2016. The album also features another music video for the single "Burn the Witch."