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question:Information: - Not to be confused with the `` Flower Duet '' ( Il cannone del porto ! ) from Giacomo Puccini 's opera Madama Butterfly The `` Flower Duet '' ( French : Duo des fleurs / Sous le dôme épais ) is a famous duet for sopranos from Léo Delibes ' opera Lakmé , first performed in Paris in 1883 . The duet takes place in act 1 of the three - act opera , between characters Lakmé , the daughter of a Brahmin priest , and her servant Mallika , as they go to gather flowers by a river . The duet is frequently used in advertisements and films and is popular as a concert piece . It was adapted for the theme `` Aria on air '' for the British Airways `` face '' advertisements of the 1980s by music composers Yanni and Malcolm McLaren . David Usher used a sample of the record in his 2001 song `` Black Black Heart . '' - Lakmé is an opera in three acts by Léo Delibes to a French libretto by Edmond Gondinet and Philippe Gille. - Le roi l'a dit ("The King Has Spoken") is an opéra comique in three acts by Léo Delibes to a French libretto by Edmond Gondinet. It is a lively comedy, remarkably requiring 14 singers six men and eight women. The libretto had first been offered in 1871 to Offenbach; the title also went through various permutations ("Le Talon rouge", "Si le Roi le savait", "Le Roi le sait") before settling on its final name. The 1885 revival brought further modifications to the libretto. - Edmond Gondinet (7 March 1828 19 November 1888) was a French playwright and librettist. This author, nearly forgotten today, produced forty plays of which several were successful. He collaborated with Alphonse Daudet and Eugène Labiche, among others. - Clément Philibert Léo Delibes (21 February 1836 16 January 1891) was a French composer of the Romantic era (18151910), who specialised in ballets, operas, and other works for the stage. His most notable works include the ballets "Coppélia" (1870) and "Sylvia" (1876), as well as the operas "Le roi l'a dit" (1873) and "Lakmé" (1883). After reading the paragraphs above, choose the best answer for the entity that related to 'flower duet' with the relationship of 'librettist'. Choices: - alphonse daudet - edmond gondinet A:

answer:The best answer for the entity that related to 'flower duet' with the relationship of 'librettist' is Edmond Gondinet. Step 1: Identify the relevant information from the paragraphs. The relevant information is in the first paragraph, which explains that the "Flower Duet" is from Léo Delibes' opera Lakmé, a famous duet for sopranos. Step 2: Look for information about the librettist of Lakmé. The information is in the fifth paragraph, which states that Lakmé is an opera by Léo Delibes to a French libretto by Edmond Gondinet and Philippe Gille. Step 3: Choose the best answer based on the information. The best answer is Edmond Gondinet, as he is the librettist for Léo Delibes' opera Lakmé, which includes the "Flower Duet".

question:Question 1: How do I edit my question on Quora when I realize that I misspelled a word? Question 2: How can I edit a question on Quora? Options are: (i). no. (ii). yes. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing?

answer:Step 1: Analyze the core components of the two sentences. - Question 1 is about "editing a question on Quora when there is a misspelled word". - Question 2 is about "editing a question on Quora". Step 2: Identify the similarities and differences. - The common aspect of both questions is "editing a question on Quora". - The difference lies in the specific detail mentioned in question 1 "when there is a misspelled word" which is not indicated in question 2. Step 3: Make a conclusion based on the analysis. - While both questions deal with the same action of "editing a question on Quora", question 1 is a subset of question 2. Question 1 is more specific, seeking to make a correction for a misspelled word, while question 2 could include a variety of editing needs like fixing punctuation, changing the sentence structure or fixing a misspelled word. Final Decision: Considering each step and analysis done, the answer to the user's question "Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing?" would be "No". This is because, although they cover similar actions, the context and specifics they encompass are slightly different. Question 1 gives an example of why one might need to edit a question, while question 2 is more general.

question:These new powers of the European Parliament are essential and represent a radical change in the European institutional procedure. Translate to Romanian

answer:Aceste noi puteri ale Parlamentului European sunt esențiale și reprezintă o schimbare radicală în procedura instituțională europeană. Aceste noi competențe ale Parlamentului European au o implicare majoră în cadrul instituțional al Uniunii Europene, remarcându-se printr-o serie de schimbări semnificative, ce includ alocarea de responsabilități suplimentare și facilitarea transparenței și eficienței procesului legislativ. O schimbare radicală constă în creșterea atribuțiilor Parlamentului European în ceea ce privește procesul decizional. Astfel, de-a lungul timpului cooperarea sa cu alte instituții europene s-a îmbunătățit și s-a extins, fapt ce permite un rol mai activ în elaborarea și adoptarea legislației la nivel continental. Prin această abordare reînnoită, Parlamentului European i se asigură un rol consolidat și o poziție mai însemnată în conceperea de politici, asigurându-i în același timp, o responsabilizare mai mare în rândul cetățenilor Uniunii Europene, precum și o convergență mai puternică între interesele naționale și cele ale UE. O altă schimbare importantă, provenită din această revoluție instituțională, o reprezintă puterea crescută de control pe care Parlamentul European o exercită asupra Comisiei Europene. În calitate de singura instituție europeană aleasă în mod direct de către cetățeni, acest control democratic reprezintă un pas esențial în asigurarea corectitudinii și transparenței procesului politic la nivel continental. De asemenea, această autoritate nou-acordată a Parlamentului favorizează o mai bună colaborare și comunicare între cele două entități, garantând astfel un proces legislativ mai coerent și eficient. Suplimentar, Parlamentul European are acum drepturi de codecizie, în conformitate cu Procedura Legislativă Ordinară (PRECEDENTUL procedurii de codecizie). Acest lucru înseamnă că, în anumite cazuri, Parlamentul European și Consiliul Uniunii Europene pot adopta legislația propusă de Comisie, devenind astfel cei doi colegislatori ai Uniunii Europene. Procedura de codecizie urmărește să asigure un echilibru adecvat între Consiliu, care reprezintă interesele guvernelor statelor membre, și Parlament, care reprezintă interesele cetățenilor europeni, în eliberarea actelor legislative și în consolidarea democrației la nivel european. Reforma instituțională a Uniunii Europene și modernizarea noilor competențe ale Parlamentului European au fost critice în depășirea unor obstacole și limitări anterioare. Aceste schimbări au contribuit la promovarea unei guvernări democratice în cadrul UE și la facilitarea participării mai intense a cetățenilor la procesul decizional european. Creșterea puterii Parlamentului European reprezintă, fără îndoială, un avans important în construirea unei Europe mai transparente, eficiente și angajate în promovarea bunăstării și a drepturilor cetățenilor săi.

question:After the death of Spitamenes and his marriage to Roxana (Roshanak in Bactrian) to cement relations with his new satrapies, Alexander turned to the Indian subcontinent. He invited the chieftains of the former satrapy of Gandhara, in the north of what is now Pakistan, to come to him and submit to his authority. Omphis(Indian name Ambhi Kumar), the ruler of Taxila, whose kingdom extended from the Indus to the Hydaspes (Jhelum), complied, but the chieftains of some hill clans, including the Aspasioi and Assakenoi sections of the Kambojas (known in Indian texts also as Ashvayanas and Ashvakayanas), refused to submit. Ambhi hastened to relieve Alexander of his apprehension and met him with valuable presents, placing himself and all his forces at his disposal. Alexander not only returned Ambhi his title and the gifts but he also presented him with a wardrobe of "Persian robes, gold and silver ornaments, 30 horses and 1000 talents in gold". Alexander was emboldened to divide his forces, and Ambhi assisted Hephaestion and Perdiccas in constructing a bridge over the Indus where it bends at Hund (Fox 1973), supplied their troops with provisions, and received Alexander himself, and his whole army, in his capital city of Taxila, with every demonstration of friendship and the most liberal hospitality. On the subsequent advance of the Macedonian king, Taxiles accompanied him with a force of 5000 men and took part in the battle of the Hydaspes River. After that victory he was sent by Alexander in pursuit of Porus, to whom he was charged to offer favourable terms, but narrowly escaped losing his life at the hands of his old enemy. Subsequently, however, the two rivals were reconciled by the personal mediation of Alexander; and Taxiles, after having contributed zealously to the equipment of the fleet on the Hydaspes, was entrusted by the king with the government of the whole territory between that river and the Indus. A considerable accession of power was granted him after the death of Philip, son of Machatas; and he was allowed to retain his authority at the death of Alexander himself (323 BC), as well as in the subsequent partition of the provinces at Triparadisus, 321 BC. In the winter of 327/326 BC, Alexander personally led a campaign against these clans; the Aspasioi of Kunar valleys, the Guraeans of the Guraeus valley, and the Assakenoi of the Swat and Buner valleys. A fierce contest ensued with the Aspasioi in which Alexander was wounded in the shoulder by a dart, but eventually the Aspasioi lost. Alexander then faced the Assakenoi, who fought in the strongholds of Massaga, Ora and Aornos. The fort of Massaga was reduced only after days of bloody fighting, in which Alexander was wounded seriously in the ankle. According to Curtius, "Not only did Alexander slaughter the entire population of Massaga, but also did he reduce its buildings to rubble". A similar slaughter followed at Ora. In the aftermath of Massaga and Ora, numerous Assakenians fled to the fortress of Aornos. Alexander followed close behind and captured the strategic hill-fort after four bloody days. Do you have any questions?

answer:Alexander's campaign in the Indian subcontinent brought him face-to-face with various powerful states and tribes, including the Aspasioi and Assakenoi sections of the Kambojas. While some rulers, such as Omphis (Ambhi Kumar) of Taxila, submitted to Alexander's authority and became valuable allies, others fiercely resisted. The resistance of the Aspasioi, Guraeans, and Assakenoi led to intense and challenging battles. Alexander's forces had to besiege and capture several fortresses, which led to considerable bloodshed and destruction. As per Curtius' account, Alexander's forces not only massacred the populations of captured forts but also demolished their buildings. It is important to note that Alexander's encounters with the locals were not only characterized by violence and subjugation, but also by acts of diplomacy and alliance-building with leaders like Ambhi Kumar. Alexander's willingness to reach agreements and mediate conflicts can be seen in his efforts to reconcile Ambhi Kumar and Porus, and in granting significant power to his allies. Some key aspects of Alexander's campaign in the Indian subcontinent include: 1. The diplomatic alliance with Ambhi Kumar, ruler of Taxila, who supported Alexander with troops, supplies, and hospitality. 2. The battles against Aspasioi and Assakenoi clans who fiercely resisted Alexander's forces. 3. The bloody sieges of Massaga, Ora, and Aornos, which were characterized by massacres and the destruction of infrastructure. 4. The pursuit and reconciliation of local rivals, such as the conflict between Ambhi Kumar and Porus. 5. The establishment of Alexander's authority over the territories he conquered, including granting power to his allies like Ambhi Kumar. Overall, Alexander's campaign in the Indian subcontinent was a mix of battles, diplomacy, and alliance-building. His encounters with the local tribes and rulers allowed him to expand his influence and incorporate the region into his empire. However, the violence and destruction that accompanied his advances left a lasting impact on the region and its people.

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