question:If you get blasted… you're dead! Translate to Czech
answer:When translating a phrase from one language to another, it's important to consider both the meaning and context of the original phrase. This is because some phrases may not have direct translations, or the meaning could be lost in translation. In this case, the English phrase "If you get blasted… you're dead!" conveys a warning or information about the potential fatal consequences of being "blasted" (e.g., hit by an explosion, shot, or other violent force). Step 1: Identify key words and phrases - Get blasted - You're dead Step 2: Translate key words and phrases to Czech - Get blasted: být zasažen (when referring to being hit by an explosion, shot, or other violent force) - You're dead: jsi mrtvý or jsi mrtvá (the adjective "mrtvý" is used for the masculine gender, and "mrtvá" for the feminine) Step 3: Combine translated words and phrases, and restructure the sentence if necessary - Když tě zasáhne… jsi mrtvý/á! (When you're hit… you're dead!) Final translation: Když tě zasáhne… jsi mrtvý/á! In this translation, the context of the original phrase is maintained, and the warning about the potentially fatal consequences of being "blasted" is accurately conveyed in Czech.
question:Given the following context: On 13 June walruses attacked and damaged the kayaks, causing another stop for repairs. On 17 June, as they prepared to leave again, Nansen thought he heard a dog bark and went to investigate. He then heard voices, and a few minutes later encountered a human being. It was Frederick Jackson, who had organised his own expedition to Franz Josef Land after being rejected by Nansen, and had based his headquarters at Cape Flora on Northbrook Island, the southernmost island of the archipelago. Jackson's own account records that his first reaction to this sudden meeting was to assume the figure to be a shipwrecked sailor, perhaps from the expedition's supply ship Windward which was due to call that summer. As he approached, Jackson saw "a tall man, wearing a soft felt hat, loosely made, voluminous clothes and long shaggy hair and beard, all reeking with black grease". After a moment's awkward hesitation, Jackson recognised his visitor: "You are Nansen, aren't you?", and received the reply "Yes, I am Nansen."Johansen was rescued, and the pair taken to the base at Cape Flora, where they posed for photographs (in one instance re-enacting the Jackson–Nansen meeting) before taking baths and haircuts. Both men seemed in good health, despite their ordeal; Nansen had put on 21 pounds (9.5 kg) in weight since the start of the expedition, and Johansen 13 pounds (5.9 kg). In honour of his rescuer, Nansen named the island where he had wintered "Frederick Jackson Island". For the next six weeks Nansen had little to do but await the arrival of Windward, worrying that he might have to spend the winter at Cape Flora, and sometimes regretting that he and Johansen had not pressed on to Spitsbergen. Johansen noted in his journal that Nansen had changed from the overbearing personality of the Fram days, and was now subdued and polite, adamant that he would never undertake such a journey again. On 26 July Windward finally arrived; on 7 August, with Nansen and Johansen aboard, she sailed south and on 13 August reached Vardø. A batch of... answer the following question: What was the last name of the person who was rescued and had put on 13 pounds? Answer:
answer:The last name of the person who was rescued and had put on 13 pounds is Johansen.
question:Add spaces between the words in the following text: OrganicEprints-Croprotationsforgrainproduction
answer:1. Identify the individual words in the text: In the given text "OrganicEprints-Croprotationsforgrainproduction", the individual words can be identified as "Organic", "Eprints", "Crop", "rotations", "for", "grain", and "production". 2. Add spaces between the identified words: To separate the words clearly, insert a space between each pair of identified words. 3. Combine separated words with spaces: Combine the separated words together, making sure to add a space between each word to form the new, properly spaced sentence. Result: After completing all the steps, the text with spaces added between the words will be: "Organic Eprints - Crop rotations for grain production".
question:Single/multi-select question: Does the sentence "Retailers Nordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue also have plans to come to the Mall of San Juan, a new high-end retail project with over 100 tenants." provide a valid answer to the question "When is the Mall of San Juan expected to open?" OPT: 1). yes 2). no
answer:2). No, the sentence does not provide a valid answer to the question "When is the Mall of San Juan expected to open?" This statement mentions that the retailers Nordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue plan to come to the Mall of San Juan, presenting this mall as a new high-end retail project with over 100 tenants. However, it does not provide any specific information about the opening date for this mall. This sentence only provides insight about the businesses that will be renting space within the Mall of San Juan and describes the type of retailers it will host. The opening date for this mall could be a matter of public record, or it might rely on when these tenants such as Nordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue plan to open their stores. However, without a timeline or specific dates mentioned in the statement, it leaves the query about "when" the Mall of San Juan is expected to open unanswered. The question asked requires a time-bound answer, specifying a particular date, or at least a period during which the Mall of San Juan is expected to open. Since the sentence does not provide such information, the answer is no, the text does not answer the question about the mall's opening date. To answer this question properly, one would need access to relevant data, possibly through an official press release from the Mall of San Juan, news articles, or information published directly by Nordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue concerning their specific plans for opening stores within the mall. Thus, investigating and extracting information from reliable additional sources would be necessary to provide a valid answer to the question posed. This underlines how important accurate and complete information is when seeking to answer specific questions, especially those revolving around dates and events.