question:Context: Sasha went to a baseball game. They were hungry and looking for food. Question: What will Sasha want to do next? Which one of these answers best answers the question according to the context? A: buy a burger B: drive to the game C: buy a beer
answer:Step 1: Identify the main elements from the context - Sasha is at a baseball game and is hungry. Step 2: Relate the main elements to the given answer options. Option A: Buy a burger - This option relates to Sasha being hungry and at the game. Buying a burger would help satisfy their hunger. Option B: Drive to the game - This option does not relate directly to the context, as Sasha is already at the game. Option C: Buy a beer - While this option is related to being at the game, it does not address Sasha's hunger. Step 3: Analyze the relevance of each option with respect to the context. Option A: Buy a burger - This option is most relevant as it addresses Sasha's hunger while at the game. Option B: Drive to the game - This option is not relevant since Sasha is already at the game. Option C: Buy a beer - This option is less relevant compared to option A, as it doesn't address Sasha's hunger. Step 4: Choose the best answer based on relevance to the context. The best answer according to the context is: A: Buy a burger
question:Translate to Turkish: His portfolio also includes overseeing his country's bid for EU integration.
answer:Onun portföyü, aynı zamanda kendi ülkesinin Avrupa Birliği entegrasyonu için yapılan başvuruyu denetlemeyi de içermektedir.
question:Family Discovers Insemination Switch after Tracing Genealogy (KUTV) A couple who underwent artificial insemination at a Utah clinic finds out the husband's sperm had been switched with someone else's. After a difficult search, the couple discovered who their daughter's biological dad was, that part of the story is even more jaw dropping. The family who we will call Paula, Jeff and Ashley thought it would be fun to do DNA testing, but when Paula got the results she was shocked, " I felt my stomach just drop," says Paula, who, when she opened the results on her computer found that her husband did not have any DNA matches with the couple's daughter, "when I called my daughter and my husband's DNA up next to one another they didn't share any DNA at all, and I just thought to myself, 'oh my god,'" says Paula, "I was shaking," she says as she told her husband the terrible news. "I said Jeff, you're not going to believe this it's showing that you and Ashley are not related." The couple began thinking the same thing. Back in the early 90's the pair was having trouble conceiving, so they went to Reproductive Medical Technologies, a clinic in Midvale that is associated with the University of Utah. In 1992 Ashley, now 21, was born, but with the recent revelations. The couple began to ask how this could happen. They feared that perhaps there was a mix up at the clinic. Paula, using the genealogy she had acquired, tracked down a cousin of Ashley's biological father, who told her that, Thomas R. Lippert, her cousin, had worked at the very clinic where Paula had been inseminated. "I remember that he was at the front desk a lot of the time," recalls Paula who says the couple tried on several occasions to get pregnant, She says Lippert who was a part-time employee of the university from 1988 to 1994, had a stack of baby pictures behind his desk, "he seemed friendly and was very proud of all those pictures almost seemed like a brag board up there, those where the children that he had helped people have." says Paula. Lippert's mother agreed to give a DNA sample and the result confirmed that Lippert was indeed Ashley's father. The question now is how all of this happened, Paula suspects that Lippert for some reason may have switched his sperm sample with her husband's. "I just thought, 'oh my gosh,' this was not an accident, this was intentional. All those photos of the babies that he was so proud of I thought, 'oh my god how many of those are his biological children?'" says Paula. This story only gets more stunningly bizarre, as the couple began digging into Lippert's background. They discovered, that prior to coming to work for the clinic, Lippert had served two years in prison for a high profile kidnapping, where he is accused of snatching up a college co-ed and holding her for three weeks and conducting "love experiments", that included locking her in a black box and using electroshock therapy on her to make her "fall in love with him." The University of Utah is responding to the story and offered 2News the following statement; here it is in its entirety: "Since April 2013, the University of Utah has been investigating credible information regarding the possible mislabeling or tampering of a semen sample at RMTI (Reproductive Medical Technologies, Inc.), a private andrology lab owned by a University faculty member (now deceased). The facility was a private laboratory located in Midvale, Utah. While not owned or operated by the University, the University contracted with RMTI for specimen preparation and semen analysis. Additionally, RMTI prepared semen samples for private physician offices throughout the community, not University physicians. Through genetic testing, a woman who received artificial insemination (AI) in 1991 discovered the biological father of her child was not her husband, as she had assumed. She traced the genetics of her child to a man who was a former employee of the now-defunct RMTI, which may have prepared the AI sample. The man in question was also a part-time employee of the University from 1988-94. There are no remaining records from RMTI to prove the claim and the man in question has been deceased since 1997. Consequently, it is unknown how this incident might have happened. In addition, there is no evidence to indicate this situation extends beyond the case in question. We understand this information has been upsetting for the family and other clients of RMTI. We want to help alleviate this distress by providing professional genetic testing for RMTI clients who were treated between 1988 through 1994. Concerned individuals should contact the University of Utah Andrology Lab at 801-587-5852." For more information on this case and genetic genealogy, click here:: By Chris Jones (Copyright 2014 Sinclair Broadcasting Group) Family Discovers Insemination Switch after Tracing Genealogy ||||| Crawl of outlinks from started March, 2016. These files are currently not publicly accessible. Properties of this collection. It has been several years since the last time we did this. For this collection, several things were done: 1. Turned off duplicate detection. This collection will be complete, as there is a good chance we will share the data, and sharing data with pointers to random other collections, is a complex problem. 2. For the first time, did all the different wikis. The original runs were just against the enwiki. This one, the seed list was built from all 865 collections. ||||| A young women conceived with help from a fertility clinic in Utah in the early 1990s is actually the biological daughter of the former clinic receptionist, genetic testing reveals. The University of Utah is offering free genetic testing to families who went to the Midvale, Utah, clinic during the late 1980s and early 1990s in the wake of these jaw-dropping revelations. Now, the family has set up a website for others who believe they might have been victims of a semen-switching plan by the receptionist. The family discovered the truth about their daughter's parentage thanks to a direct-to-consumer genetic test by 23andMe, according to CeCe Moore, an independent genetic genealogist who first broke the story on her blog. Moore was contacted by "Paula," a pseudonym for the mother in the case, in October 2012. Paula and her husband "Jeff" had used the private clinic Reproductive Medical Technologies, Inc. (RMTI) in Midvale to conceive their daughter "Ashley" in 1992. Paula and Jeff had not requested donor sperm, and had no reason to believe that Jeff's semen had not been used for the insemination. But after all three family members had their DNA tested through 23andMe, Paula discovered something shocking: Her daughter and her husband did not share any DNA markers. DNA shock Traditional paternity tests confirmed 23andMe's information — no surprise, Moore told LiveScience, as the typical paternity test compares up to 21 genetic markers, while 23andMe's test look at one million. [7 Diseases You Can Learn About from a Genetic Test] "Although it's not legally admissible, it's a much more thorough test," she said. Moore is not employed by 23andMe, though she is a volunteer with the company's Ancestry Ambassadors group, which provides the company feedback on its products. She has also volunteered her expertise on projects for the genetic testing firm Family Tree DNA. Reeling, the family wondered if the clinic had made a mistake. The truth turned out to be far more distressing. On Moore's advice, Paula had Ashley tested by two other consumer genetic testing firms, Family Tree DNA and AncestryDNA. With Ashley's DNA profile in those two companies' databases, a match popped up — a first cousin, once removed. Fortunately, that cousin had information that linked her and Ashley. From about 1986 to 1995, her cousin Thomas Lippert had manned the front desk at RMTI. Lippert is no longer living, but his 99-year-old mother agreed to have her DNA tested. The results confirmed that she is Ashley's grandmother. Lippert, her only child, must have been Ashley's father. Disturbing history The family did not get back to LiveScience in time to comment for this article; Moore said they are "overwhelmed" with media attention in the wake of her blog post. However, she said the news brought them a huge sense of betrayal. "For the mother, it's like being defiled," she said. "It's disgusting — somebody tricking you into having their own sperm implanted in your body." For Ashley's father, "it's like a theft," Moore said. And Ashley "has to grapple with the fact that this man is part of her biology." Coming to terms with her biological parentage may be even more difficult given another revelation about Lippert: In 1975, he pled guilty to two counts of conspiring to kidnap after the abduction of a Purdue University student who said Lippert and another man stripped her, forced her into a large black box and threatened her with electric shocks in an effort to brainwash her into loving Lippert. Lippert was sentenced to six years in prison, according to a 2007 article in the alumni magazine of Southwest Minnesota State University, where Lippert was a business professor at the time of the arrest. He apparently served only two of those six years. The revelations about Lippert have Ashley's family concerned that he fathered other children. If Ashley has biological half-siblings, she would like to be in touch with them, Moore said. The family has set up a website for others who are worried that they were also victims of Lippert. Ashley "has handled this unbelievably well," Moore said. The search for other victims In the wake of Ashley's family going public, the University of Utah issued a statement confirming that it has been investigating "credible information regarding the possible mislabeling or tampering of a semen sample at RMTI" since April 2013. The facility was private, but contracted with the university to prepare and analyze semen samples. [5 Myths About Fertility Treatments] RMTI is no longer operating, and the university says that there are no records remaining to explain how Lippert ended up fathering Ashley. Individuals wishing to avail themselves of paternity testing can contact the University of Utah Andrology Lab at (801) 587-5852. Paternity tests are not the only option available to worried families, Moore said. Because Ashley, Ashley's biological grandmother and Lippert's cousin all have their DNA on record in the databases of 23andMe, Family Tree DNA and AncestryDNA, tests by any of those companies would immediately reveal a relationship to Lippert. A university paternity test can only show that the child is not related to his or her father, necessitating a second round of testing if there is no genetic relationship, Moore said. "I'm not saying they shouldn't test through the university, but I think some people might prefer independent private testing," she said. Though the case brought appalling news to Ashley, Paula and Jeff, Moore said the DNA testing reveals the power of consumer genetics. Lippert's case is not the only example of malfeasance at sperm banks or clinics. In 1992, for example, fertility doctor Cecil Jacobson was convicted on charges of fraud and perjury for scams at his clinic in Virginia in the 1980s. DNA tests showed that Jacobson had fathered at least 15 children with patients told they were getting anonymous donor sperm. With companies like 23andMe on the scene, the DNA evidence proving such cases is no longer in the shadows. "My message to anyone who would think of doing something like this is you will not get away with it," Moore said. Follow Stephanie Pappas on Twitter and Google+. Follow us @livescience, Facebook & Google+. Original article on LiveScience. ||||| Write a summary.
answer:A family in Utah discovered that their daughter, conceived through artificial insemination, was the biological child of the fertility clinic receptionist rather than the father. After undergoing DNA testing through 23andMe, it was revealed that the daughter and her father did not share any DNA markers. Through further investigation, it was found that a former employee of the clinic, who had manned the front desk and has since passed away, was the girl's biological father. The family has set up a website for others who may have been victims of the receptionist's actions, and the University of Utah is offering free genetic testing to families who went to the clinic during the late 1980s and early 1990s.
question:Clare's mother gave her 47 to go to the store. Clare bought 4 loaves of bread and 2 cartons of milk. Each loaf of bread cost 2 and each carton of milk cost 2. How much money does Clare have left? Let's answer step by step:
answer:Step 1: Calculate the total cost of the loaves of bread. Clare bought 4 loaves of bread, and each loaf costs 2. So, 4 loaves * 2/loaf = 8. Step 2: Calculate the total cost of the cartons of milk. Clare bought 2 cartons of milk, and each carton costs 2. So, 2 cartons * 2/carton = 4. Step 3: Find the total amount spent. To find the total amount spent, we add the cost of bread and milk: 8 (bread) + 4 (milk) = 12. Step 4: Calculate the remaining amount. Clare started with 47. To find out how much money she has left, we subtract the total amount spent from the initial amount: 47 - 12 = 35. Clare has 35 left after buying the loaves of bread and cartons of milk.