question:What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". The city is home to New Haven Promise, a scholarship funded by Yale University for students who meet the requirements. Students must be enrolled in a public high school (charters included) for four years, be a resident of the city during that time, carry a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average, have a 90-percent attendance rate and perform 40 hours of service to the city. The initiative was launched in 2010 and there are currently more than 500 Scholars enrolled in qualifying Connecticut colleges and universities. There are more than 60 cities in the country that have a Promise-type program for their students. Currently how many students total have been approve by the program?
question:Generate a sentence that includes all the following words: field, room, study
answer:In the vast, sunlit field just beyond the boundaries of our cozy home, I found utmost tranquility and inspiration to lay out a comfortable, serene room dedicated to the enrichment of human intellect, allowing myself and others to immerse in the world of knowledge through countless hours of intense study and reflection.
question:Teacher:In this task, you are given a review of a product in the Polish language. Your task is to classify the given product review into these three categories: 1) positive, 2)neutral, 3) negative based on its content. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Text: Może się mylę, ale według mnie to nie jest oryginalny produkt apple. Widzę różnicę zarówno w budowie jak i jakości dźwięku. Produkt nie jest beznadziejnej jakości (tak jak ilość gwiazdek, którą wystawiłam), ale oceniłam go tak słabo, bo według mnie nie jest on oryginalny, tak jak było to podane w opisie. Question: What is the rating for the text? Student:
answer:In order to classify the given product review into one of the three categories, I will perform the following steps: 1. Translate the text from Polish to English, in order to understand the content. 2. Identify key phrases or sentences that indicate positive, neutral or negative sentiments. 3. Consider the overall sentiment conveyed by the text. 4. Choose the appropriate category based on the sentiment analysis. Step 1: Translation The text in English is: "I may be wrong, but in my opinion, this is not the original Apple product. I see a difference both in construction and sound quality. The product is not of a hopeless quality (like the number of stars I gave), but I rated it so low because, in my opinion, it is not original, as it was stated in the description." Step 2: Identify key phrases/sentences - "not the original Apple product" - "I see a difference both in construction and sound quality" - "not of a hopeless quality" - "but I rated it so low because, in my opinion, it is not original" Step 3: Consider the overall sentiment The overall sentiment of the text is negative, as the reviewer points out several negative aspects and criticizes the authenticity of the product. Step 4: Choose the appropriate category Based on the sentiment analysis, the rating for this text is 3) Negative.
question:On a scale from 0-5, where 0 is "not similar" and 5 is "very similar", how similar is the sentence "The CWA, which represents more than 2,300 Comcast employees, called that excessive when a typical union employee makes about 27,000 a year." to the sentence "The Communications Workers Union, which represents more than 2,300 Comcast employees, called the executive pay package excessive when a typical union employee makes about 27,000 annually."?
answer:I would rate the similarity between the two sentences as a 5 on the scale, which means "very similar". Both sentences convey the same meaning, providing information about the number of Comcast employees being represented by the respective unions, their stance on excessive executive pay packages, and the typical earnings of a union employee. The primary difference lies in the wording and abbreviations used. In the first sentence, the abbreviation "CWA" is used to denote the Communications Workers Union, whereas the second sentence spells out the full name of the union. Additionally, the second sentence uses the word "annually" instead of "a year" to describe the earnings of a typical union employee. Despite these minor differences, the overall meaning and context of the two sentences are very similar, warranting a high similarity score on the scale.