question:You are considering whether to buy a product. You look at the reviews. Would the following review decrease or increase the chances of you buying the product? Review title: Yup, It's Easy! Product review: This is very easy to clean and doesn't attract bees - at least last summer it didn't. But, I did get some ants - carpenter ants that are big enough to step the distance from the narrow rail and fall into the nectar. Fortunately, they're easy spot when they fall in and just as easy to wash down the drain. A:
question:Question: A friend asked me to answer this question: What is the first name of the person who works in a building that contains a drug smuggling ring?, using the article: News anchor Barry Baron discovers that a drug smuggling ring is operating out of the building where he works, and is chased down and eventually shot dead by the drug dealers. His co-anchor, Dulcie Niles finds Barry's body, calls the police and prepares to film the investigation, but before the police can arrive Barry's body is stolen by the building's cleaner, Chafuka, who uses her voodoo powers to reanimate Barry's corpse as a zombie, allowing her to take over Barry's luxury apartment. In order to keep up appearances, Chafuka has Barry, who is otherwise unable to speak, continue performing his news broadcasts by controlling him with a voodoo doll, while Dulcie continues to investigate the drug ring with the help of incompetent police detective Jordan Penrose. Meanwhile, the head of the drug ring, Nolan sees one of Barry's news broadcasts and assumes that his henchmen bungled Barry's murder, and sends them to finish the job off. When they arrive at the station however, they end up being killed in a series of mishaps, and Chafuka turns them into more zombies. On seeing his zombified former henchmen, Nolan panics and takes refuge with the station's owner, Alex Cavanaugh, who it turns out is the mastermind behind the drug ring. He takes Dulcie and Jordan hostage and has Nolan drive them to safety, while Barry, Chafuka and the zombie henchmen give chase. During the course of the chase Dulcie and Jordan are rescued, and then Nolan loses control of the car, with both he and Cavanaugh being killed in the resulting crash. Chafuka turns Cavanaugh and Nolan into zombies and then takes full control of the station, with Barry continuing as lead anchor after his original personality fully returns, and Jordan quitting the police to become the station's head of security, with the zombie Nolan and his henchmen becoming security guards., what would be the answer ? Answer:
answer:The first name of the person who works in a building that contains a drug smuggling ring, as per the given article, is Barry. The article introduces "Barry Baron" as a news anchor who discovers that a drug smuggling ring is operating out of his workplace building. As the story unfolds, other characters are introduced who also work in the same building such as Dulcie Niles, Barry's co-anchor, Chafuka, the building's cleaner, Jordan Penrose, a police detective, Nolan, the head of the drug ring, and Alex Cavanaugh, the station's owner. However, the first person mentioned in the article who works in the building and finds out about the drug ring in the building is Barry. Therefore, the first name of the person who works in a building that contains a drug smuggling ring is Barry. It is important to note that the answer can change depending on the context or the specific person being referred to in the question. But as per the sequence of the characters introduced in the article, Barry appears to be the first person working in the building who is introduced.
question:My father was named James Page Jackson because he was born on the old Jackson plantation in Lancaster county, Virginia. He named one of his daughters Lancaster for a middle name in memory of his old home. Clarice Lancaster Jackson was her full name. A man named Galloway bought my father and brought him to Arkansas. Some called him by the name of Galloway, but my father always had all his children keep the name Jackson. There were fourteen of us, but only ten lived to grow up. He belonged to Mr. Galloway at the time of my birth, but even at that, I did not take the name Galloway as it would seem like I should. My father was a good carpenter; he was a fine cook, too; learned that back in Virginia. I'll tell you something interesting. The first cook stove ever brought to this town was one my father had his master to bring. He was cook at the Anthony House. You know about that, don't you? It was the first real fine hotel in Little Rock. When father went there to be head cook, all they had to cook on was big fireplaces and the big old Dutch ovens. Father just kept on telling about the stoves they had in Virginia, and at last they sent and got him one; it had to come by boat and took a long time. My father was proud that he was the one who set the first table ever spread in the Anthony House. Question: "Why was James Page Jackson also called Galloway?" Response: "That was his name" Based on the paragraph, is the response to the question is factually correct?
answer:Based on the paragraph, the response to the question is not fully factually correct. James Page Jackson was not directly called Galloway, but some people called him by that name because a man named Galloway bought James and brought him to Arkansas. However, James always insisted that his children keep the name Jackson.
question:Um eine Empfehlung in meinem Entschließungsantrag aufzugreifen, möchte ich sagen, daß die Mitgliedstaaten den Straftatbestand der Umweltkriminalität einführen und vor allem ein Kataster der Gebiete schaffen müssen, die zerstört wurden, um festzulegen, daß sie absolut nicht mehr bebaubar sind. Which language is this?
answer:The language used in the provided text is German. The text talks about introducing the offense of environmental crime in the member states and creating a register of destroyed areas to determine that they are no longer suitable for construction. Here's a translation of the text to English: "To address a recommendation in my resolution, I would like to say that the member states must introduce the offense of environmental crime and, above all, create a register of the areas that have been destroyed in order to determine that they are absolutely no longer fit for construction."